The GSV Big 10: New Drinking Game
The Mozart of Math, XX marks the spot, and Dr. Mike...
Chart of the Week

The Big 10:
Colorado elementary school to be transformed into a vibrant mental health community hub | CBS News
Turning the traditional single-purpose school into a robust community center is the way of the future. Healthy, wealthy, and wise are the foundational categories of community needs. An elementary school that used to serve K-6th can now serve zero to five and five to ninety…providing wellness services across the board.
Gen Z Drives a Resurgence in Blue-Collar Work | PHCP Polls
The battle between “college for all” vs. “college at all?” continues to favor the latter. Creating an ROI for 4-years at $250,000 is increasingly challenging. Coupled with the fear of AI replacing what you learned during that same period, intense forces are flying in the face of higher ed.
We’re Entering Uncharted Territory for Math | The Atlantic
The Turing Test is used to determine a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior indistinguishable from that of a human. While AI enthusiasts may see this as nirvana, its detractors have a more apocalyptic view. The “Mozart of Math” Terrence Tao sees a harmony between innate human strengths and the capabilities of AI. Hopefully you haven’t created a drinking game where you sip every time we say it: It’s not man vs. machine, it’s man and machine.
Here’s What Voters Want the Next President to Do for Higher Ed | The Chronicle of Higher Education
It’s bi-partisan: the leaders of both parties see a need for an alternative path outside of the 4-year degree model. Elite schools are likely to receive a bit more heat from Republicans, but one thing for sure is that the status quo is out the window. While we don’t think higher ed is the “Big Short”, we do believe trade schools are where to go long.
[WATCH] Young Women Are Starting to Leave Men Behind | FT ⬇️
Girls rule, boys drool. We have been on the “Power of Women (POW!)” trend for over a decade, and it has certainly played out in nearly every facet of life. In a Knowledge Economy, educational attainment is the leading indicator of who will thrive, with the writing on the wall for many moons. While we wholeheartedly celebrate the XX’s ascension to leadership across business, politics, and culture, unfortunately, its XY counterpart has been increasingly MIA. Let’s hope more organizations like Richard Reeve’s AIBM come online to help our boys become men.
How to Make Millionaire Teachers | RealClear Education
Two professions that have the greatest labor shortages are teaching and nursing, and yet both suffer from a screwed-up compensation system. We’ve heard it over and over – the people in these lines of work are not driven by money. However, there is a universal law that talent is drawn in by financial incentives for strong performance. How can we expect schools to achieve more when their employees continue to make less?
Lack of Urgency Closing Universities | Michael Clifford
Our friend Dr. Michael Clifford, who has founded numerous ventures in education, including Grand Canyon, Jack Welsh University, and Bridgepoint, provides a fictional missive from the enlightened president of an imaginary university. Urgency and purpose are the prescriptions for getting schools on track to compete in the new world. Learning (and leading) at the speed of light is required in our new reality.
Kansas City Public Schools seeking mentors for more than 340 students | KSHB
Mentors matter. As much as you learn in a classroom, the right adult in a student’s life can open up horizons that were previously unimaginable. A real live person involved in a young individual’s life will never be replaced by a chatbot or AI coach. The mentor-mentee relationship is a win-win.
13 San Francisco schools facing closures | Axios
As a member of the Texodus movement, I left my heart in San Francisco…though it appears others have lost their brains there. It’s sad when a school closes, and the data around it generally does not speak well for the surrounding community. But, challenges do create opportunities, and I’m rooting for leaders to emerge to get SF back on track.
🎙️ Ep 26 · 2x Emmy Award Winner Jack Ford | Ed on the Edge | Dash Media
Everybody has a story. Seeing the success my friend Jack Ford has achieved –Emmy award-winning journalist, Ivy League Hall of Fame, and yes, People Magazine’s Sexiest News Anchor – you might think he always lived a charmed life. In fact, he grew up with a single mother, and when he arrived on Yale’s campus, all of his life’s possessions fit in a duffel bag. He showed up to college with next to nothing and left with everything he would ever need.
This Week’s People Moves
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Amy L.: U.S. Department of Education ➡️ All4Ed, Chief Executive Officer
Yee-Ann Cho: Pivotal Ventures ➡️ LearnerStudio, Partner
Steve Gaines: Fulton Bank ➡️ College Solutions, Chief Operations Officer
Jane Cahill: ExecOnline ➡️ Emeritus, Account Director, Enterprise Solutions| US & Canada
Natalie N. Truong: Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (SEARAC) ➡️ The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, Senior Program Manager, K-12 Education
Annette Kirchner: ELB Learning ➡️ Intuition, Senior Project Manager
Kurt Beer: EdTech Jobs ➡️ MagicSchool AI, Senior Account Executive